【The rain pick Yang mei】Yuyao waxberry red China,The BOSI members to💜gether! On June 18, the𝓀 rain falling in the early morning. Morning, Persian tool headquarters, the second batch of national distributor friends Persian held face to face commu
Sichuan province on May 10, the meeting ended🎃! Transformation and upgrading, innovation and d🍎evelopment; The Chinese dream, BOSI dream! 2015, we set sail together!
Fujian area BOไSI brand promotion and exchange 🤪fair ended! On-site guests present at the meeting of more than 260 people, dig deeper into the Persian professional channel class market, everyone is confident that the future will be fully will Persian br
Guangzhou, the meeting ended on May 19, hainan area! Promoting popularity and h🀅igh spirit! Is team, is the vitality, is popular, but also benefits! Thanks to the support of friends attending the meeting! ransforma🤡tion and upgrading, inn
Hubei area ended on May 6, meeting! On-site guests to nearly one hundred and thirty people, the scene to꧋ participate in a positive, warm, interactive order level is very high, the guests to the persians specialized course𝓡s and carried on the thorough dis
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